Sunday, March 20, 2016

Week of March 21, 2016

Rome Parody:
Compare/ Contrast Democracy and Republic (Compare/contrast, argument grade)
Notes Republic then VS. Republic today (Describe/ explain the difference -Grade)
Who do you align with? 2016 election quiz
Mock Vote


Scheduling information

CNN, Timeline of Rome (Republic to Empire- Analyze grade)
Read Play of Julius Caesar

7.W3.1.1, Describe the characteristics that classical civilizations share (institutions, cultural styles, systems of thought that influenced neighboring peoples and have endured for several centuries).
7.W3.1.2, Using historic and modern maps, locate three major empires of this era, describe their geographic characteristics including physical features and climates, and propose a generalization about the relationship between geographic characteristics and the development of early empires.
7.W3.1.3, Compare and contrast the defining characteristics of a city-state, civilization, and empire.
7.W3.1.10, Create a timeline that illustrates the rise and fall of classical empires during the classical period.
7.W3.1.4, Assess the importance of Greek ideas about democracy and citizenship in the development of Western political thought and institutions.

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