Monday, September 28, 2015

Week of September 28, 2015

The week of Sept. 28:

Monday- CNN Student News, work on documentaries

Tuesday- Share good news, work on documentaries

Wednesday- BBB, Geoguesser, present documentaries - popcorn :) (donate 25 cents)

Thursday- Share good news, article of the week, present documentaries

Friday- CNN Student News, present documentaries

Monday, September 21, 2015

Week of September 21

The week of Sept. 21: 

*****Collect  .25 cents for next week’s popcorn documentary shows.
Monday- Tuesday

CNN Student News
Learn how to text mark and answer questions about historical information using the Battle of Lexington H.1.2.2,H.1.2.3
POV- shot heard round the world- Finish articles on The Battles of Lexington and Concord , SPEC notes, model/practice with Battle of Lexington/Concord, show student example, go over directions and rubric very carefully.
Share good news, Brainstorm Documentary topic
New vocab:

Geoguessr, work on documentary, review vocab

Share good news, article of the week-(SPEC), and work on documentary, review vocab

CNN Student News, Map from memory, continue working on documentaries, Quiz # 3 over vocab

Monday, September 14, 2015

Week of September 14, 2015

The week of Sept. 14:

Finish Temporal Notes notes and  start vocab week 2-
CNN Student News, new vocabulary- (lunar, solar, culture)
Compare Calendars
Share good news, review vocab.,

Notes:  How do Historians explore the past- H.1.2.1
Article of the week- Partner up with computer and a few questions (
Geoguesser, review vocab.,

Thursday- Share good news, vocab. review, article of the week- Constitution Day- create classroom constitution (like social contract)

Friday and Monday-
Vocab quiz Friday
text mark and answer questions- how to read one of the two articles, video on the battles of Lexington and Concord 
POV- shot heard round the world- Finish articles on The Battles of Lexington and Concord H.1.2.3
CNN Student News, SPEC notes, model/practice with Battle of Lexington/Concord, brainstorm historical topic for documentary

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Welcome Back!

The Week of September 8:

Tuesday, September 8- 

Intro to class, seating charts, syllabus, rules, getting to know you

Wednesday, September 9-

7.H.1.1.1 Temporal Thinking
guided notes with example timeline and vocabulary (AD, BC, etc), create personal timeline, hand-out vocabulary.
Vocabulary activities and handouts:
Note Taking sheet:

Thursday, September 10
Finish notes/activity from Wednesday on Temporal Thinking.
Review for vocab quiz tomorrow.  
Friday, September 11-
CNN Student News, quiz each other on vocab., take vocab. quiz, Patriot Day Activities, What does it mean to be an American? Random acts of kindness challenge.