The week of Sept. 29:
Monday- CNN Student News, new vocabulary 45- 54, eras- go over and do activity
Tuesday- Share good news, quiz each other on vocab., Lesson 9- Maps, challenges with using new and old maps, Earth’s Geography handout, Is Europe a continent?, topography of the earth map- shows elevations, circle continents groups of three and with map scales handout/activity, discuss, new groups Analyzing Historical Maps handout / activity. Exit note: What challenges do historians face in using maps created in the past?
Wednesday- Geoguesser, quiz each other on vocab.,Finish work from yesterday, begin Previewing your textbook, textbook scavenger hunt- share out and discuss
Thursday- Share good news, article of the week, quiz each other on vocab., small groups from previewing textbooks and handout Comparing history and science venn diagram, have students compare Venn Diagram with another student not in their group- discuss. What are problems with textbooks and sources?
Friday- CNN Student News, vocab. quiz over 45-54
7 H 1:4: Use Historical concepts, patterns, and themes to study the past
7 G1,2: Use spatial thinking to study the past
7 H1: Use historical conceptual devices to organize and study history.
7 H1.2.1: Explain why historians use a variety of sources to understand the past.
7 H1.2.4, 7 H1.4.3: Compare, evaluate, and analyze competing historical perspectives.
Use historical processes to analyze events/accounts in History.
Use historical processes to analyze events/accounts in History.