Monday, January 16, 2017
Monday-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Quotes Activity: Look at the quotes on this website, pick your favorite and write it down on a colored piece of paper.
Video Clip:
Work on Ancient Egypt passport - Vocab quiz Wednesday
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
- Work on Passport
- Vocab quiz tomorrow
Wednesday, January 18- Friday, January 20, 2017
- Vocabulary Test on google forms
Standards: 7– W3.1.1 Describe the characteristics that classical civilizations share (e.g., institutions, cultural styles, systems of thought that influenced neighboring peoples and have endured for several centuries).
7 – W3.1.2 Using historic and modern maps, locate three major empires of this era, describe their geographic characteristics including physical features and climates, and propose a generalization about the relationship between geographic characteristics and the development of early empires. (G)
7– W3.1.3 Compare and contrast the defining characteristics of a city-state, civilization, and empire. (C)
7 – W3.1.5 Describe major achievements from Indian, Chinese, Mediterranean, African, and Southwest and Central Asian civilizations. (G)
7 – W3.1.9 Describe the significance of legal codes, belief systems, written languages and communications in the development of large regional empires.
7 – W3.1.11 Explain the role of economics in shaping the development of classical civilizations and empires (e.g., trade routes and their significance, supply and demand for products). (E)
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