The week of Sept. 12--
I can read and comprehend a historical passage to identify basic factual knowledge and the literal meaning by indicating who was involved, what happened, where it happened, what events led to the development, and what consequences or outcomes followed.
I can explain what steps and tools do historians use to do their job?
I can collect, evaluate and analyze evidence like an historian.
I can generate arguments from evidence to construct theories, perspectives and hypotheses (claims), and accounts about the past?
I can evaluate why historical claims are controversial?
What does it mean to be an American journal, random acts of kindness challenge.
Tuesday, September 13- CNN Student News, introduce grading system and data folders and glue/tape in proficiency scales (go over) and go over five standards with blanks for grades, Finish How Does Geography Determine Destiny? activity.
Wednesday, September 14-
CNN Student News, Finish grading system and Data Folders
Quizlet for vocab practice:
Thursday, September 15- Temporal Thinking packet with exit ticket to be graded. Homework if Not completed in class.
Friday, September 16- CNN Student News, Draw continents from memory, Finish Temporal Thinking
Nicole Schut-Rowan Schut