Friday, February 27, 2015

Week of March 2, 2015

*Review Vocab throughout the week -  Quiz Friday.

Monday- CNN Student News, 3.1.1 with partners research traits of Greece and Rome

Tuesday- Good News, Go over Traits sheet, have students take quiz to check in - may use notes,

Wednesday-, Begin 3.1.2 Map either Greece or Rome with Partners

Thursday- Finish 3.1.2 mapping landforms, review vocab

Friday- CNN Student News, Vocab Quiz, 3.1.4 Compare Democracy (Athens) and Republic (Rome)

*March 6 Mr. Golean- 50 Strategies Lesson

W3.1 Analyze classical civilizations and empires and their lasting impact on institutions, political thought, structures, technology and art forms that grew in India, China, the Mediterranean basin, Africa, and Southwest and Central Asia during this era.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week of February 23, 2015

The week of Feb. 23
M- CNN, Retakes of Ancient Civilizations, Finish Article

T- Good News, Look at Greek and Roman Culture (Language, numerals, gods) create a shield, Ancient Civilization Vocabulary

W- Intro. to classical empires, KWL, video clip/article
*KWL- Classical Empires- Mr. Golean (from Hope)

TH- Map of Empires, New Targets, Read and Compare Greece and Rome note taking activity

F- CNN, Review vocabulary, Finish notes and play board game over notes

W3.1 Analyze classical civilizations and empires and their lasting impact on institutions, political thought, structures, technology and art forms that grew in India, China, the Mediterranean basin, Africa, and Southwest and Central Asia during this era.
7-W3.1.1 Describe the characteristics that classical civilizations share.
7-W3.1.3 Compare and contrast defining characteristics of a city-state, civilization, and empire

Monday, February 16, 2015

Week of February 16-20

The week of Feb. 16

Monday- Finish and present Dioramas

Tuesday- Good News. Present Dioramas

Wednesday-, Test comparing civilizations

Thursday- Article of the week, MSTEP practice on computers

Friday- CNN Student News, Intro. to classical empires, KWL, video clip/article
(Snow Day)

W.2.1: Analyze Eastern and Western Civilizations.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week of February 9, 2015

The week of Feb. 9

Monday- CNN Student News, Reaserch, work on slides and plan diorama

Tuesday- work on slides and diorama

Wednesday-, career cruising  (Late start day)

Thursday- Article of the week, Work on finalizing Project

Friday- CNN Student News, Present

W.2.1: Analyze Eastern and Western Civilizations.